NCPA Foundation Awards

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John W. Dargavel Medal

Sponsored by McKesson, this annual award honors those whose contributions on behalf of independent pharmacy embody the spirit of leadership and accomplishment personified by John W. Dargavel, who was executive secretary of the National Association of Retail Druggists (NARD), now NCPA, from 1933 to 1961. (The Foundation was established in 1953 to honor Dargavel.) Recipient is selected by the NCPA Foundation Board. A list of previous award recipients is available. Nominations are closed and will reopen in 2025.

Sharlea Leatherwood Memorial Trailblazer Award

The Trailblazer Award recognizes an outstanding pharmacy owner whose pharmacy practice blazes a trail for other independent pharmacy owners and future generations of independent pharmacy owners. A list of previous award recipients is available. Nominations are closed and will reopen in 2025.

NARD Ownership Award

The National Community Pharmacists Association was founded in 1898 as the National Association of Retail Druggists (NARD). Supported by the NCPA Foundation, the NARD Ownership Award recognizes an independent pharmacist who embraces entrepreneurial spirit through promotion and demonstrated excellence in the field of community pharmacy ownership for the longevity of the profession. Self-nominations are acceptable. Additional information is available. Nominations are closed and will reopen in 2025.

National Preceptor of the Year

This award recognizes a pharmacist who has made a significant contribution to the education of pharmacy students as a preceptor in a community practice setting. Candidates for this award must be an owner, manager, or staff pharmacist of an independent pharmacy. Preceptors may be self-nominated or nominated by community pharmacists, deans, department heads, pharmacy students, school of pharmacy faculty, and state/local pharmacy associationsAdditional information is available. Nominations are closed and will reopen in 2025.

Outstanding Faculty Liaison of the Year

This award recognizes a faculty liaison who demonstrates exceptional leadership and commitment to independent pharmacy, their NCPA Chapter, and the community. Nominations are accepted from NCPA student membersAdditional information is available. Nominations are open for 2025!

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